Connect / Open Multiple Facebook Accounts on Firefox / Chrome Browsers

Description: Want to open two Facebook accounts? Quick guide to connect or open multiple Facebook accounts on Firefox or Google Chrome.

Do you have more than one Facebook account? If yes, you probably noticed that you can not login to more than one account at a time. This post will guide you to open and connect your multiple Facebook accounts within a browser at a time. Some of my friends running more than one account, and they know that I am  a writer of how-to guides on Facebook so that is why they want to know that how can they use another Facebook account without sign-out the existing account. Therefore, here is a quick guide to open multiple Facebook accounts on Firefox or Chrome.

Open Two Facebook Accounts at a Time
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Open Multiple Facebook Accounts on Google Chrome

  • Make sure you are in Google Chrome browser. Click on Navicon on top right corner, and go to Settings.
    navicon on google chrome
  • Now, click on Add new user... under Users. Choose a picture and name, click on Create.
    add new user on google chrome
  • Once you have added the user. You will see a profile icon on the browser menu bar. If you have latest chrome browser, it should be placed on the top left corner of the browser something like the following preview,
    multiple facebook accounts in chrome
  • Now, login another Facebook account here. Whenever you want to use another Facebook account, just switching the user profile via the user icon, and you are on the go. You can also use another user accounts such as Google, Yahoo, Twitter and LinkedIn to different user profiles.

Connect Multiple/Two Facebook Accounts on Mozilla Firefox

  • Make sure you are in Mozilla Firefox browser. Click here on Multifox Firefox addon. It will open in a new tab. Now, click on +Add to Firefox, click on "Allow" near the URL field. Finally, click on Install Now button. Restart you browser.
  • You will see now an addition Multifox icon on the top right corner of the browser like in the following preview. Click on the icon, click on New. It will create another profile name 'Profile 2'.
    new user profile on firefox
  • You can login here your other accounts such as Facebook, Google, Twitter and LinkedIn.
  • To rename or delete the profiles, click on Multifox icon, click on the profile name, edit and delete... or rename...
  • You can create many profiles, and you can use multiple accounts by the different profiles.
If you are an android user, you can use Friendcaster for the multiple Facebook account.
    If you are an Iphone user, you can use Friendly for Facebook to access multiple Facebook accounts.

    I hope you have found the best way to open your multiple Facebook accounts within a browser at a time. If you have another way to organize your multiple Facebook accounts you can share with us.
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