Host Images on Blogger & Get Direct Link for Unlimited Bandwidth/UpTime

Description: Host Images on Blogger for Free! with Unlimited Bandwidth and 100% Uptime. Hosting Images in Blogger for Blogger Templates.

Do you want unlimited bandwidth & 100% uptime for your hosted images? The simple solution, upload your images to Blogger which is absolutely free! Once you upload any image to your Blogger account, you don't need to do anything because Blogger is a service provide by Google. Google will take care of the data you have uploaded to their server. There are many hackers exist online that may hack servers but hacking Google server is almost impossible that is why Google is a name of TRUST. I really enjoy the bandwidth and uptime of Blogger hosted images. I don't have any headache that how many visitors are seeing our images at a time even for a million or a billion. Blogger hosted images have unlimited bandwidth, you should also use that feature for your images too.

host images in blogger for blogger template
Blogger Hosted Images for Unlimited Bandwidth & 100% Uptime

If you have your own server for uploading your data, it would be costly for unlimited space and most importantly unlimited bandwidth. If Blogger gives you it for free for images then you should take this opportunity. There are so many image hosting sites, like, and , that offer you to upload your images and get the direct link but these links would work for the certain days or months or limited bandwidth, however they also offer to keep the links for lifetime or unlimited bandwidth in pro version, again it will cost you. The free version has a limited bandwidth of 1GB to 10GB which is not sufficient for the blog or website owners. Once your monthly bandwidth limit exceeds, readers would not be able to view the images, instead of the image a message would be display as bandwidth limit exceed. It is not good for both users and your blogs.

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We have seen many custom Blogger templates using images hosted on external hosting sites. If you Blogger page-views are more than enough, your template showing garbage image with exceed bandwidth instead of the original image since the bandwidth limit has exceed. You must not be use any image on your Blogger template that may cause this issue because if it is happen, your blog looks very ugly. If you are reading this post, you can go to your Blogger template code, and search for the images and look where it is hosted. If you find any external site you can open up the image, save image to desktop, apply the following method to upload it on Blogger and get the direct link and simply paste it in your Blogger template code. Enjoy the unlimited bandwidth and optimize uptime.

Do you actually know what Bandwidth is? Let's take an example as shown in the following box.

Bandwidth is not storage. Bandwidth is a data that is requested from the hosting server to a website or where the request occurs. Your visitors can see the photos on your blog because when they load your page a request send to the image's server then the server released that image to your website and your visitors get result. Let you have added an image to a page of 1MB size,
If 1000 visitors see your photo only once on that page, it means server has transferred total of 1000x1= ~1GB data to the requested website. The total value of bandwidth will become 1 GB. If you have a server which supposed to allow you 2 GB bandwidth, a single image of 1 MB can be viewed by 2000 times. It is for only one image. If you have hosted many images to hosting server with limited bandwidth so think about it. Lets only takes 20 photos that are 1MB in size each, your bandwidth limit would be reach upto 2GB only for displaying these images for 100 times, and 500 times for 10GB bandwidth limit. Photobucket allows 10 GB bandwidth for free, but it is also not sufficient for the Bloggers.
Another advantage for using Blogger hosted images is top class loading time or uptime because the hosted images on Blogger linked from Google Picasa web album.

If you want to optimize your images loading time, you have to minimize the different HTTP requests occurs by the different image hosting server. Lets I explain you deeply how HTTP requests work. Look on the following preview.

unlimed bandwidth images for blogger

When a HTTP request sends to a Domain Name Server (DNS, in this case [to a hosting server]) then it takes some time to getting the result. I have divided it into three separate parts i.e., start, connect and first byte for the transfer. You can clearly see these three parts on the above image. Yellow bar is time duration to start the process, green bar is time duration to connect with the server, DNS, and blue bar is time duration to download the file from server to the requested site.

If you are using many server to manage your images and data, yellow and green bar would be activated each time your page loads due to the different HTTP requests. If you are using a hosting server for all of your images, yellow and green bar would be activated only once and then all the images would be start to download to the browser. In that way, you can save the time duration occurs for yellow and green bar. Minimizing the HTTP requests lead the page loading time.

How to Host/Upload Images to Blogger | Blogger Hosted Images

If you are already a Blogger user, you are very well known that how to upload an image to your Blogger posts. If you are a newbie, then go to the post editor, click on the insert image, choose files and click on save selected.

Sign into your Blogger Dashboard --> New Post

unlimited bandwidth of images for blogger template

*Screenshot are taken from the older Blogger dashboard. You can easily adjust with the new dashboard.  
Now, our main aim is that to find out the direct link of Blogger uploaded photos so that we can use these links to anywhere to display it. We can also use the direct link within our Blogger template code for the images. Here is how can we get the direct link of the images hosted on Blogger.

Once you have uploaded an image to your post, go to the HTML part of your post editor. It will look like the following code.

<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" imageanchor="1"><img border="0" src="" /></a></div>

Basically Blogger used three HTML tags for displaying an image that is div, a and img. Under a tag, copy the href value without quote which is in the blue text in above code. It is a direct link of your image. Now, you can use it anywhere on the web including your Blogger templates. You should also read the structure of Blogger hosted images.

In your copied image's direct link, you can also see a term s1600. 's1600' basically represent the image of the original size. You can alter this value i.e., s320, s500, to change your image's dimension. In the above code, look over the 'img' tag, and src link which is required to display images on the web. You will see 's320' in the image's link so that is why the display image is not up to the original width. You can also display original width image in your Blogger post by changing again 's320' to 's1600' in the HTML post editor.
Now, you don't need to publish the post where you hosted your images. Just save it as a draft, it will always be on the Blogger server. You may name this draft as 'Blogger Hosted Images'.

*** You can also delete s1600/ from the direct link which will have original size, but I recommended that use s1600/ in the direct link.

What will be the next?

How to Change Images on Blogger Template with Blogger Hosted Images 100% Uptime

Just go to Blogger Dashboard --> (Select your Blog) Template --> Edit HTML

Click anywhere on the code and press 'Ctrl+F' to find the image's extension like .png, .jpg or .gif. You can search with '.png', '.png' and '.gif' without quote inside your Blogger code. Therefore, download each image to your desktop, and upload them again on your draft, copy the direct link, and again paste it on the proper location where the original image had placed. Repeat this step for all the existing images. Once you complete the process, you will definitely see the improvements in your blog's loading time.


If you are using Blogger platform for your blogging, you should use all the images hosted on Blogger itself even it is also beneficial for using your Blogger template images too. In that case, your blog loading time would be optimize and you will also get 100% uptime for your images. I hope, this guide helps you to host your images on Blogger and get the direct link. You can show your Blogger hosted images anywhere on the web by its direct link provided by Blogger.

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