New Way to Monetize your Blogs for US, UK, Canada & more...

Description: A new way to Monetize your Blog to make good money. Currently supports United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), Canada & few more countries.

A great opportunity for Bloggers with a new way to monetize their blogs or websites. However this opportunity is specific to few countries including United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, France, Spain, Brazil and Mexico. Publishers belong to these countries can monetize their blog. Google is trying to expand this opportunity to more countries so that peoples around the world can monetize their blog with it. If you're from India, Pakistan or Bangladesh you need to wait for this opportunity to monetize your blog or you can consider to earning $25 instantly withdrawn by PayPal by an affiliate program. Most of the users already know about Google adsense, affiliate marketing or direct ad selling to generate revenue, but these are not limited. There are so many methods to make money online, just you have to pick up the best one for you, if anyone works for you, can be a game changer for your life. Therefore, here is a new way to monetize blogs for US, UK, Canada and more countries.

how to monetize your blog new way
Google introducing Google Consumer Surveys by which the companies (advertisers) can get the answers about their brands. They can easily find out what people really think. Advertisers can easily create a survey by joining Google consumer surveys for reading people minds about anything that interest to their business. These surveys will be displayed by Google in front of the people who have the same interest. For example, let a mobile manufacturer company want to launch a mobile with a screen size that most people want to hold. It can be a easily task to find out what size people likes the most by surveys. Google consumer surveys is a best way because Google will display the survey only on the targeted websites like Google adsense works, and you will get the results in days.

In opposite side of a coin, you will get some bucks to display these surveys on your blog or website. To apply for this offer, you must be a verified Google adsense account, and also you must be from the countries where currently Google allowed it. You can also read more about it, and view an example of survey by .gif image in Google's official adsense blog.

New Way to Monetize Blogs for United States, United Kingdom, Canada & More Countries

Firstly, let's discuss how much money publishers can make if they monetize their blog with Google consumer surveys. When a visitor answers a survey questions, you'll earn $.05. The code is easy to implement into your site or blog. You'll have full control, choose where and how often surveys prompts appear. You can also hide your content over a survey. If you have really a great content then visitors can complete the survey for viewing the content without hesitation.

Let's you have a blog with 50,000 visitors/month, and let 20% of visitors fill up survey questions that means 10,000 visitors. You'll earn 10,000*.05 = $500/month.

To apply Google consumer surveys, click here Google surveys for Publishers.

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