Create Facebook Page for Business / Blogger / Blogs

Description: Do you want to create a Facebook Page for your Blog or Business? Here is a quick and easy way to create your Facebook page.

If you don't have a Facebook page for your business or blog, may be it's your biggest mistake. Facebook is a leader in Social Media and networking where almost everyone in, they can be your audience or customers. Big brands have picked up the trend and they clearly know that the friendly behavior is everything in this world. There are many ways to get feedback, for a product you have launched, from your customers or audience that is totally depend upon you. How many ways have you opened to interact with your customers or audience. One of the best way is to create a Facebook business page for your business, create a Google+ page for your business or create a Google+ community for your business. If you have a blog, I would also recommend you to create a Facebook page for your Blog.

how to create a facebook page

You can have seen almost each brands have Facebook page so that their audience might get the status updates from them to their newsfeed on regular basis, if they have liked the brand Facebook page. They don't need to go to the brand's official page and look at what is new? If you have a Facebook account, then you might look over your newsfeed at-least once in a day that is the same case for customers or audience.

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You can even drive traffic to your blog, if you have a Facebook page for your blog or business. You just need to grow your Facebook page's likes. Whenever someone likes your page, gets your page's update in their newsfeed. If you post a status update on your page that interest to your Facebook fans they would likely to visit your website or blog. You can also make an application for your Facebook page, and linked the application with your Facebook page. Let's see the advantage to having a Facebook page for your business or blogs/blogger.
  • Drive traffic from Facebook to your blog.
  • You will get additional audience as your Facebook Page's fan.
  • Let you have 1000 targeted fans for your Facebook page, and if you update anything related to your topics then it might be show up in your fans newsfeed. If they are targeted, you will get visit to your blog.
  • You can easily announce an event or a new product launch with a status update to your costumers or audience.
  • I don't think what you think, but if you are a brand without any Facebook page it implies you are not user friendly. Therefore, if you want to show your friendly behavior you should have a Facebook page for your business.
  • (New feature) You can now leave your comments, interact with others as your Facebook page similar as your Facebook profile. In simple word, when you comment on any status, your name would be appearing along with your comment. Now, you can show your Facebook page name instead of your Facebook name. You can also increase your fan by this trick.
  • Get visibility in major search engines like Google. (for some keywords, Google shows my blog's Facebook page.
create facebook fan page for blogs

Now let's come to the main point;

Create a Facebook Page for your Business/Blogger/Website

  1. Log into your Facebook account, and click here on create a Facebook page. Look on the following preview. Now, you may choose to select your business, if you have a local business you can choose "Local Business or Place" or choose in which your business categories. If you have a blog, then you may choose "Brand or Product". As in the following preview, I have chosen "Brand or Product".

    add facebook page in facebook for blogs
    Choose Facebook Page for your Business

    Under "Brand or Product", scroll and select "Website", and write your Blog title. Finally, click on "Get Started".
  2. In the next screen, either you can set up your blog or skip it. I highly recommend you to set up it according to your requirements, write the proper description as it may help you to find your blog while searching on Facebook.

    how to set up facebook page

    You will have different tabs to write your blog's info such as about, profile picture, add to favorites and preferred page audience. In about tab, write your blog's description, URL and your Facebook page URL then click on "Save Info" to go another tab i.e., profile picture. Now, complete all the info for each tab and click on "Save".
  3. Facebook may show you a guide kit, you may either follow it or skip it.
  4. You may also add your Facebook page timeline cover by clicking on the camera icon.
  5. Before inviting your new Facebook page to your connections, double check your Facebook page info. Complete or fill all the information before the invitation.
  6. On your Facebook page timeline, you may view "About" section of your Facebook page, you may check it out again, and you may also edit it if you found anything here.
  7. I would also recommend you to update at-lest one status update about your websites or business before sending invitation.
  8. Once your page is ready, click on "Invite friends to like this Page", and invite friends.
  9. You may also share your Facebook page by its URL to different social connections such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.
Here is my Facebook page, Blogger & SEO Technology on Facebook, if this guide help you then don't forget to like us on Facebook. If you have any doubt then you may feel free to ask here via following Facebook comment.

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