Add Facebook Follow/Subscribe Button To Blogger/Blogs/Websites

Description: Adding Facebook Follow or Subscriber Button to your Blogger Blogs in Sidebar Gadgets or Each Post Pages.

Facebook allows you to add subscribe button into Blogger or any websites. Let a visitor want to connect with you on Facebook, since people also prefers to read news on their Facebook newsfeed, either they can connect with your website via your Facebook fan page or by subscribing you. You can keep only 5000 friends on Facebook so it is better to make friends on Facebook who are your real friends. Those who are not your friend, subscribe them for getting their status updates on your newsfeed. That thing exactly applies for your visitors. Once a visitor subscribes you, they only get your public status updates. It is a good move your visitors could be able to subscribe you on your blog via this button. The more subscribers you have, the more engagement to your public status updates. If you don't wish to use follow button to deliver your status updates to your audience, you may create your Facebook page for your blog to deliver your blog news. Let move on, here is quick guide to add Facebook subscribe button to your Blogger.

adding facebook follow button to blogger
Add Facebook Follow Button to your Blogger blogs
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How to Add Facebook Subscribe Button To Blogger/Websites

  1. Log into Facebook. Allow Facebook subscriber features inside your Facebook account, since it is disabled by default. If you have already enabled this feature then move to the next step.
  2. Now, click here on Get Facebook Subscribe Button for Blogs and choose the desired options.

    In the Profile URL field put your Facebook profile URL and choose other styles. Finally, click on Get Code.
  3. Once you clicked, a popup window will prompt up. If you have a website, I recommend you to use your own Facebook application ID so that you can track the activities.

    adding facebook follow button to blogger

    You will see two piece of code, one is JavaScript and other is HTML. I recommend you to use HTML5. Now, paste your JavaScript code below to <body> tag in in your Blogger source code. If you have pasted this script before, you never need to paste it again.

    Now, paste the HTML part into your Blogger where you want to display follow button. You can paste this code in your Blogger sidebar gadgets.

    If you want to add Facebook subscribe button in your each post, follow the below steps.
    Go to Blogger Dashboard -> Select your Blog -> Template -> Edit HTML -> Click anywhere on source code, press Ctrl+F to find this code <data:post.body/>. Once you find it, paste your HTML code here below (will display after end of content) or above (will display below to post title) to <data:post.body/> code.

    copy the second part of this code and paste this code where you want to show your Facebook subscribe button e.g., if you want to display your Facebook subscribe button below your post title then go to Blogger Dashboard --> Design --> Edit HTML ( Expand Widget Templates ) find the code (using ctrl+F) <data:post.body/> and paste the Second Code just before the <data:post.body/> code. It will look above your content area and if you want to show Facebook Subscribe Button to below your post then paste the Second Code below <data:post.body/>.
    *You can paste your Second Code into your sidebar widgets.

    *** If you are using automatic read more option for your custom Blogger template, you would find <data:post.body/> code multiple times. The best way is try the code for each <data:post.body/> code, and look which one is working. Once you find it, save the template.


 By adding Facebook follow button your blogs, you may get additional followers for your Facebook profile. The more followers you have, the more engaged public status updates. You may subscribe our newsletter for free! to get latest tips on Facebook.

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